Our Computers and Electronics Group includes many patent attorneys and patent engineers who have engaged in R&D in technologies such as AI, IT, IoT, electrical/electronic engineering, information processing, software, mobile and other telecommunications, and security/encryption. The group handles (1) software, information processing, image processing and encoding, (2) wireless and mobile communications, communication-related technologies such as Internet and e-commerce transactions, and (3) device technologies such as electronic circuits, semiconductors as well as their manufacturing and computer aided design (CAD).
This technical field has also been significantly impacted by the AI, IT, and IoT technical revolutions, and as automobiles have come to incorporate 5G communications and automated driving capabilities, there is demand for application of AI and IoT technologies in the field of robotics as well.
With mechanical cases, there is a need to not only correctly ascertain the structural and functional features of the device, but also to understand the technology in a multi-faceted way so as to clearly express the advantageous effect of the invention.
Accordingly, we have put together a mechanical team that includes not only experts in machines and mechanical control, but also experts in AI, IT, and IoT to effectively handle the changing technological landscape.
Inventions in medical disciplines, in particular for diagnostics and therapeutics, are of vital importance. Yet patenting such inventions requires knowledge of sophisticated technology, for instance, of information and image processing technologies. In addition to having experts with a thorough understanding of biomedical systems, our medical devices group comprises members having backgrounds in information processing, image processing, life sciences, and pharmaceuticals who can provide comprehensive service.
Frequent changes in patent law and practice have made the field of pharmaceuticals particular ly dynamic. As such, we regularly provide information on relevant developments in Japan to our clients, and advise them in developing optimal IP and business strategy.
Our chemical/pharmaceuticals group comprises patent attorneys, chemists and pharmacists who have experience in developing IP strategy at some of Japan's leading pharmaceutical companies, in addition to being experts in litigation and licensing.
A unique understanding of industry-specific technologies of software, information processing, and other information and communication technology areas as they pertain to game patents is essential. Our games group comprises members with an abundance of experience in software, information processing, image processing, and telecommunications.
New types of designs (GUIs etc.) have come into existence as software has become pervasive in our lives, and this has brought about changes to design law and practice. Now that such designs have come to be protectable under the law, industry faces new stragetic challenges and opportunites. In order to strengthen our design team to respond to recent developements in the field, we have newly added patent attorneys with an expertise in software and mechanical technologies to our design team.
Trademarks, as the identifiers that distinguish your products and services from others and carry within them your entire reputation, are a fundamental constituent in the value of the product or service. As such, it is vital to effectively defend your brand.
Our trademark team's mission is to help you make sure that your brand is strategically protected, and to guide you in ensuring that you will continue to bear the fruits that your good reputation has earned.
Patent rights are an important tool for gaining market share and excluding competitors. Specifically, patents are put to use through license negotiations and other enforcement measures. We place great importance on these rights and measures, and have dealt with a large number of disputes over the years. Our litigation teams have the right skills to support clients through any negotiation or dispute.
Every patent-related dispute should be considered from both legal and technological standpoints. When building a case, it is important for lawyers having expertise in law and patent attorneys having expertise in technology to work together. Our main role is to provide offensive or defensive arguments by determining whether there is infringement from a technical point of view and assessing patent validity.
In recent years we have participated in a number of cases concerning standard essential patents in the area of 3G and LTE wireless communications.
We also support cross-border cases by analyzing patents and searching for prior art both in and outside Japan.