Image processing, optical instruments, and precision equipment; autofocus technologies for cameras; image sensor structures
DetailsInformation processing and image processing
DetailsInformation processing, communication, and image processing technologies in general
DetailsFields of vehicles in general, industrial equipment, mechanical and control system for medical devices, device UIs, and power control
DetailsImage processing and optical systems
DetailsFields of technologies related to XR (AR, VR, MR), AI, electronic games (software), and computer graphics
DetailsSpeech signal processing such as speech coding, noise removal, and speech recognition; technologies related to automotive control; the field of semiconductor production equipment
DetailsTechnologies related to communication and broadcasting (modulation and encoding); technologies related to geographic information (GPS and SLAM); technologies related to imaging and image processing
DetailsTechnologies related to data processing; fields related to communication devices
DetailsOptics and semiconductor manufacturing equipment, four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles
DetailsSemiconductor-related technologies (semiconductor devices, semiconductor processes, semiconductor production equipment); optical instruments; high-frequency circuit technologies; technologies related to automobiles/two-wheeled vehicles
DetailsSemiconductor processes, semiconductor devices, and related-technologies
DetailsCommunication technologies (LTE, 5G and WiFi), electrical circuits, and signal processing and related-technologies
DetailsFields of amusement, electronic games, computer graphics, image processing, VR, MR, AR, user interfaces, and video distribution
DetailsComputers and image processing
DetailsStudied genetic engineering; research on functions of mutant plants; biosynthesis of proteins or enzymes and mutation mechanisms thereof
DetailsTechnologies related to software and image processing; the field of medical devices; polymer materials
DetailsConverting technology, semiconductor-related technology, and technology in the automotive sector